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Find the 


you’re meant to do

And the steps to land the job!

Find the 


you’re meant to do

And the steps to land the job!


Get the proven process and expert guidance you need to transition into a new and fulfilling career!

The Career Clarity Formula
is a comprehensive 12-week program for female professionals that will help you discover your unique path, unlock your full potential, and confidently make a successful career change.


Join the Career Clarity Formula and get the steps to find and land your dream job!


Priority access for waitlist members!

Add Me to the Waitlist! →

Find the 


you’re meant to do

And the steps to land the job!

Find the 


you’re meant to do

And the steps to land the job!

Get the proven process and expert guidance you need to transition into a new and fulfilling career!

The Career Clarity Formula
is a comprehensive 12-week program for female professionals that will help you discover your unique path, unlock your full potential, and confidently make a successful career change.


Join The Career Clarity Formula and get the steps to find and land your dream job!


 Priority access for waitlist members!


Add Me to the Waitlist! →

A rewarding, satisfying and meaningful career is closer than you think!

I often 


corporate professionals say things like:

I often 


corporate professionals say things like:

“I feel like I SHOULD be happy since I have a good position and make great money, but I’m not. I know there’s something more for me — I just don’t know what it IS.”

“My work is so blah. It’s hard to be motivated when the work feels pointless. I want to do something meaningful.”

“Honestly, I dread going to work. I’m great at what I do, but it’s not fulfilling. It feels like I’m wasting my time and my talent.”

And it’s not just work…

The worst part is that you can’t just “flip the switch” at 5 PM and come home happy.

When you’re drained by your job, it spills over and impacts every area of your life.

Many women realize it affects themselves, their partners, and their families.

You want a job that doesn’t leave you feeling wiped at the end of the day, so you have energy to enjoy your life!

Listen, I’ve helped hundreds of mid-level and senior professionals who’ve felt this way.

First of all, I want you to know that 

it’s not you. 

Just because you fell into a job at one point doesn’t mean you have to stay there forever.

And changing careers doesn’t mean you have to start at the bottom - I can show you how to position yourself to start at the same income or 


in your new role.


You are skilled, experienced and capable.

No wonder you’ve got the nagging ‘itch’ to do something more! You’re too good to squander your gifts and expertise on soul-sucking work that slowly kills you from the inside.

You DESERVE to be in a role that makes you excited for Monday, contributes to the world, and is purposeful, meaningful and fulfilling!


Question is… 

what is it?!


Listen, I’ve helped hundreds of mid-level and senior professionals who’ve felt this way.


First of all, I want you to know that 

it’s not you.

Just because you fell into a job at one point doesn’t mean you have to stay there forever.

And changing careers doesn’t mean you have to start at the bottom - I can show you how to position yourself to start at the same income or 


in your new role.


You are skilled, experienced and capable.

No wonder you’ve got the nagging ‘itch’ to do something more! You’re too good to squander your gifts and expertise on soul-sucking work that slowly kills you from the inside.

You DESERVE to be in a role that makes you excited for Monday, contributes to the world, and is purposeful, meaningful and fulfilling!

 Question is…


what is it?!

You’ve probably tried at least one of these things:

1: Rationalizing the situation

Many people start by telling themselves things like “It’s not great, but it could be worse!”

They think that if they get another promotion / raise / a new manager that things will be better.

They feel stuck since they’ve invested YEARS into getting to where they are, and they don’t know how to spin their past success into a new career.

2: Looking for new roles

Chances are you’ve scrolled LinkedIn looking for jobs that catch your eye.

In fact, you might’ve even applied to positions that look interesting and make you think, “Yeah, I could do that!”

3: Working a new job

Maybe you’ve even taken a new position in your organization, or jumped ship completely.

For the first few quarters, things were looking up!

But once the ‘honeymoon’ phase wore off, you found yourself as unfulfilled as you were before.

The reason none of these will work is because you’re missing the most important thing:

You don’t know what you want.

And it’s reeeeeeally hard to find the right job when you don’t know what you’re looking for.

Once you’re clear on your direction, you can find your “perfect fit” career!

I walk you through this process step-by-step in…

The Career Clarity Formula
The Career Clarity Formula

The 12-week coaching program where you’ll discover the work you're meant to do, so you can land a career you love!

With my step-by-step process and expert guidance

you'll discover your unique path, unlock your full potential, and confidently make a successful career change.

This program puts all the pieces together for you.

Finally, you’ll have a clear and simple method that takes all your strengths, values and desires and gives perfect-for-you concrete career choices and a plan to land the job.

Join the waitlist and take the first step towards a fulfilling career!

Join The Career Clarity Formula!


  • 10 Coaching Sessions over Zoom with an intimate group of female professionals led by Theresa White (Value $1750)
  • 12 weeks of unlimited expert support, accountability and Q&A inside the exclusive Career Bloom Community (Value $800)
  • Identify your untapped and unrecognized skills and strengths with 2 professional assessments (Value $200)
  • Your hard copy of the Career Clarity Workbook (Value $97)
  • 2-3 action steps per week to keep you on track and break the overwhelming job search process down into small, doable steps (Value $270)
  • 30+ step-by-step guides and worksheets that make it easy to identify and get hired in your ideal role (Value $100)
  • 30+ fill-in-the-blank templates and examples for networking and following up (Value $60)
  • The steps to writing a job-winning LinkedIn profile & resume that’s easily customizable and beats the recruitment systems (Value $200)
  • Salary Negotiation Training so you can switch careers while maintaining (or increasing!) your income (Value $400)
  • 30+ ChatGPT prompts that make your job search as streamlined and effective as possible (Value $100)
  • Lifetime access to all materials (Value: priceless)


Total Value: $3977


Total Investment: $1499

Choose the payment plan and start for just $549!

Or pay in full and save $148!



Join The Career Clarity Formula Premium!


  • Everything in the Career Clarity Formula
  • A stand-out LinkedIn Profile designed & written FOR you (Value: $250)
    1. A unique, custom-designed banner targeted towards your ideal position
    2. A LinkedIn headline that gets recruiters’ attention
    3. An about section that sets you apart from other candidtes
    4. One round of comprehensive revisions based on your feedback
    5. Your new banner, headline, and about section will be emailed to you in Word format in week 6.
  • A job-winning resume written FOR you (Value: $900)
    1. Targeted toward your ideal position and employers
    2. Proven resume format that gets employers' attention
    3. Keyword optimized to get through Applicant Tracking Systems
    4. One round of comprehensive revisions based on your feedback
    5. Your new, personalized resume will be emailed to you in Word and PDF format in week 6.


Total Value: $5130


Total Investment: $1999

Choose the payment plan and start for just $729!

Or pay in full and save $188!



Make your job search even easier by choosing Premium!

  • Stand out from the crowd with the perfect resume and LinkedIn profile!
  • Join Career Clarity Formula Premium and get your resume and LinkedIn profile expertly written for you.
  • Truth is, the right resume gives you a huge advantage over the competition.
  • In fact, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) eliminate over 70% of applicants before their resume even reaches a hiring manager.
  • You don’t want to miss out on your dream job just because of your resume!
  • Our certified professional resume writer uses the keywords, phrases, and information that ATS Systems are looking for - in ways that AI tools cannot.
  • She has helped hundreds of people land their ideal roles. Choose Premium and get a career-defining resume written for you!

By the end of the program you will have:

By the end of the program you will have:

Career Clarity

Finally know what you are meant to do!

No more second-guessing yourself or feeling unsure about your next move. You'll have the clarity and direction you need to confidently pursue your dream career!

A Compelling Work History

Set yourself apart from other candidates by clearly communicating your strengths, skills and unique value.

Know how to talk about your work history, even if you’re switching to a career that’s completely different from your past work experience!

A Job-Winning Resume & LinkedIn Profile

Get recruiters reaching out to you on LinkedIn!

Use AI to quickly and easily write a profile and resume that helps you land the job.

Or choose Premium to have a job-winning resume & LinkedIn profile written for you!

Effective Job Search Strategies

That go beyond online applications, and maximize every minute of your time.

More than half of all available jobs aren’t advertised - and you’ll see how to break into the “hidden job market” to win one of those coveted roles.


Expert Interview Techniques

See how to confidently answer tough questions and showcase your strengths (plus all the insider know-how that only a former recruiter can tell you).

You’ll know how to leave a lasting impression that makes the hiring team go, “We have to hire her!”

Increased Salary by an Average of $20K

… or more!

With your newfound clarity, confidence, and direction, you'll be in a strong position to negotiate higher salaries and benefits packages that reflect your true worth.

Most importantly,


Career Clarity Formula 

gives you all the tools you need to change careers, so you can experience success, fulfillment and joy!


Join the waitlist for exclusive first dibs!

Reserve My Spot! →

Clients literally say this is “life-changing”.

I landed the perfect job only 10 weeks into the program!

I signed an offer letter 6 weeks after starting the program!


Learning and Development Specialist


Senior Account Manager

I sent just 2 applications and signed my dream job!

It was life-changing! I now know what I’m meant to do


EdTech Innovation Fellow


Career Development Instructor

Clients literally say this is “life-changing”.

I landed the perfect job only 10 weeks into the program!


Learning and Development Specialist

I signed an offer letter 6 weeks after starting the program!


Senior Account Manager

I sent just 2 applications and signed my dream job!


EdTech Innovation Fellow

It was life-changing! I now know what I’m meant to do


Career Development Instructor

Here’s how it works


This 12-week live coaching program gives you all the training, support and resources you need to find and land your dream job:

Live group coaching calls

  • These group video coaching sessions are the heart of the program.
  • During our 10 group coaching sessions you’ll get personal attention from me so you get my direct advice and feedback on your next steps.
  • Clients say these calls are their favorite part of their week! They look forward to it all week long, and many say that they call their best friends after the call to talk about how amazing it was.
  • Seriously, these 90-minute calls are fun, energizing and will create a momentous shift in your professional and personal life!

Live group coaching calls

  • These group video coaching sessions are the heart of the program.
  • During our 10 group coaching sessions you’ll get personal attention from me so you get my direct advice and feedback on your next steps.
  • Clients say these calls are their favorite part of their week! They look forward to it all week long, and many say that they call their best friends after the call to talk about how amazing it was.
  • Seriously, these 90-minute calls are fun, energizing and will create a momentous shift in your professional and personal life!
Career Clarity Formula 



I walk you through each step of the proven process during our coaching calls.

I break it all down into 2-3 simple action steps each week so it’s clear and doable. You’ll always know what to do next!

See how to:

  • Discover the right role for you
  • Position yourself to get the job
  • Advance your career through networking
  • Follow up successfully
  • Interview and stand out as the best choice

… And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, we cover so much more!

Resources and tools:

This vault is packed with tools and resources that have helped people transition into their new careers faster than they ever thought possible.

You get:

  • 30+ step-by-step guides that make it easy to identify and get hired in your ideal role
  • 30+ fill-in-the-blank templates and examples for networking and following up
  • 2 assessments to identify your hidden skills and strengths, plus my expertise to interpret those results so you turn those abilities into a career
  • 30+ ChatGPT prompts to easily update your resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter, or find the right words for a networking email or thank you note

You’ll have a guide, resource or tool for each step of your job search!

Expert support & accountability

  • Get unlimited expert support from me during the entire 12 weeks!
  • All you need to do is post in the community space, and I’ll be there to help you out. You’ll take action and stay focused knowing that myself and the other members are holding you accountable.
  • I’m active in the community and provide detailed, thoughtful and actionable feedback so you keep moving forward.
  • You literally get personalized insider know-how that only someone who has been a recruiter for years can tell you!

Expert support & accountability

  • Get unlimited expert support from me during the entire 12 weeks!
  • All you need to do is post in the community space, and I’ll be there to help you out. You’ll take action and stay focused knowing that myself and the other members are holding you accountable.
  • I’m active in the community and provide detailed, thoughtful and actionable feedback so you keep moving forward.
  • You literally get personalized insider know-how that only someone who has been a recruiter for years can tell you!

Private Community

  • Stay accountable and motivated with our small private community.
  • You don’t have to go it alone. You’ll be surrounded by other women who are on the same path so you can support and champion each other! Clients love it:

“The community is really supportive. It’s really uplifting to have people support you and give suggestions. I feel like there’s nowhere else this exists.”

  • Our community can lead to connections and opportunities that might be key to your success.
  • It’s so much easier to take action when you’re supported by others. Check out this conversation that happened in our community!

Private Community

  • Stay accountable and motivated with our small private community.
  • You don’t have to go it alone. You’ll be surrounded by other women who are on the same path so you can support and champion each other! Clients love it:

“The community is really supportive. It’s really uplifting to have people support you and give suggestions. I feel like there’s nowhere else this exists.”

  • Our community can lead to connections and opportunities that might be key to your success.
  • It’s so much easier to take action when you’re supported by others. Check out this conversation that happened in our community!

Make your successful career transition 

practically inevitable 

with the


Career Clarity Formula!

Follow the weekly steps, get support, and land the job that’s right for you.

Priority access will be given to waitlist members!

Secure My Waitlist Spot! →

Make your successful career transition 

practically inevitable 

with the


Career Clarity Formula!

Follow the weekly steps, get support, and land the job that’s right for you.


Priority access will be given to waitlist members!

Secure My Waitlist Spot! →

What we cover each session:

Session 1: Your Spark, Skills, & Values

We start off with discovering what makes you come alive, find your transferable skills, and the values and motivations that drive you. You'll get crystal clear on what you want in your career and start building the foundation for your dream career.

Session 2: Your Strengths & Ideal Working Conditions

In week 2, you'll identify your unique strengths and the ideal working conditions that allow you to do your best work. You'll also learn how to use your strengths to your advantage in your job search.

Session 3: Your Interests & Ideal Job Description

In week 2, you'll identify your unique strengths and the ideal working conditions that allow you to do your best work. You'll also learn how to use your strengths to your advantage in your job search.

Session 4: Your Personal Brand Story

See how to share your work history in a way that positions you for the job. You’ll know how to share a cohesive and compelling story, even if your past experience is completely different from the position you’re applying for. Confidently turn this into a reason why they should hire you!

Session 5: Your LinkedIn Profile & Ideal Places To Work

Update your LinkedIn profile and get recruiters reaching out to you! You’ll showcase your personal brand and create a profile optimized for recruiters based on what you want to do. You'll also identify your “top 12” workplaces that are a great fit for you.

Session 6: Your Resume & LinkedIn Networking

In week 6, you'll learn how to craft a job-winning resume that highlights your skills and accomplishments. You'll also discover how to find the people who do the work you’d love to do and connect with on LinkedIn.

Session 7: Network Your Way To Success

Tap into the hidden job market! In week 7, you'll uncover opportunities and openings that aren't advertised. You'll discover how to find a job through networking and building relationships.

See how to easily make connections (even if you “hate networking” or identify as an introvert), build relationships that feel genuine and natural, and leverage connections to land a great position. Plus, use my signature Surefire Job Search Strategy which takes less time than watching a movie.

Session 8: The Winning Job Search Strategy

Discover your most powerful form of networking and how to get your application and resume seen by a real human - instead of having it get lost in the ‘application system black hole’.

Plus, craft an elevator pitch that acts as a conversation starter (no sleazy sales pitch here!) that gets people wanting to know more about you!

Session 9: Unlock Your Job Search Success

Now that you have a successful networking and job search strategy in place, it’s time to adjust, refine and perfect your process.

We make sure nothing gets in the way of landing your dream job by identifying and creating a plan to address any gaps in your skills.

You’ll develop soft skills that make a big difference, like knowing what to say when asked, “So tell me about yourself!”

Session 10: Mastering The Interview

As a former recruiter I'll show you exactly what recruiters want to see and hear in week 12. You'll learn how to master the interview process and discover how to answer common interview questions with confidence and stand out from other candidates.

What we cover each session:

Session 1: Your Spark, Skills, & Values

We start off with discovering what makes you come alive, find your transferable skills, and the values and motivations that drive you. You'll get crystal clear on what you want in your career and start building the foundation for your dream career.

Session 2: Your Strengths & Ideal Working Conditions

In week 2, you'll identify your unique strengths and the ideal working conditions that allow you to do your best work. You'll also learn how to use your strengths to your advantage in your job search.

Session 3: Your Interests & Ideal Job Description

In week 2, you'll identify your unique strengths and the ideal working conditions that allow you to do your best work. You'll also learn how to use your strengths to your advantage in your job search.

Session 4: Your Personal Brand Story

See how to share your work history in a way that positions you for the job. You’ll know how to share a cohesive and compelling story, even if your past experience is completely different from the position you’re applying for. Confidently turn this into a reason why they should hire you!

Session 5: Your LinkedIn Profile & Ideal Places To Work

Update your LinkedIn profile and get recruiters reaching out to you! You’ll showcase your personal brand and create a profile optimized for recruiters based on what you want to do. You'll also identify your “top 12” workplaces that are a great fit for you.

Session 6: Your Resume & LinkedIn Networking

In week 6, you'll learn how to craft a job-winning resume that highlights your skills and accomplishments. You'll also discover how to find the people who do the work you’d love to do and connect with on LinkedIn.

Session 7: Network Your Way To Success

Tap into the hidden job market! In week 7, you'll uncover opportunities and openings that aren't advertised. You'll discover how to find a job through networking and building relationships.

See how to easily make connections (even if you “hate networking” or identify as an introvert), build relationships that feel genuine and natural, and leverage connections to land a great position. Plus, use my signature Surefire Job Search Strategy which takes less time than watching a movie.

Session 8: The Winning Job Search Strategy

Discover your most powerful form of networking and how to get your application and resume seen by a real human - instead of having it get lost in the ‘application system black hole’.

Plus, craft an elevator pitch that acts as a conversation starter (no sleazy sales pitch here!) that gets people wanting to know more about you!

Session 9: Unlock Your Job Search Success

Now that you have a successful networking and job search strategy in place, it’s time to adjust, refine and perfect your process.

We make sure nothing gets in the way of landing your dream job by identifying and creating a plan to address any gaps in your skills.

You’ll develop soft skills that make a big difference, like knowing what to say when asked, “So tell me about yourself!”

Session 10: Mastering The Interview

As a former recruiter I'll show you exactly what recruiters want to see and hear in week 12. You'll learn how to master the interview process and discover how to answer common interview questions with confidence and stand out from other candidates.

Join the waitlist now and get the complete


Career Clarity Formula


training and support.

Join now and get the complete

Career Clarity Formula

training and support.

Because this isn’t about finding a job you’re “good at”...

This is about finding the career you are made for!

Secure My Waitlist Spot! →

Join now and get the complete


Career Clarity Formula


training and support.

Join now and get the complete

Career Clarity Formula

training and support.

Because this isn’t about finding a job you’re “good at”...

This is about finding the career you are made for!

Secure My Waitlist Spot! →

Bonuses that will get you signing the offer letter for your dream job!

$97 Value

The Career Clarity Workbook

The Career Clarity Workbook is THE key to not only staying totally organized but also maximizing every minute of your job search to get real results!

That's why I'm including a hard copy of the workbook with this bonus - which means you can take it with you wherever you go and work on your job search whenever you have time.

Here’s what clients have been saying about the Career Clarity Workbook:

“The Career Clarity Workbook is a miraculous tool! My job search has been depressing and stressful UNTIL I started working with Theresa. Her journal was so helpful in keeping me organized and focused, and I landed my dream job within 7 weeks! This job search strategy really works!”


Talent Acquisition Manager

$400 Value

Salary Negotiation Training

Not sure how to negotiate your salary effectively?

Don't worry, with this bonus, you'll learn how to negotiate with confidence and get paid what you're worth. You'll be armed with the knowledge and skills you need to make the most of your next job offer.

Here's what clients have been saying about the Salary Negotiation Training:

"I've been in the workforce for several years now, but I've always struggled with negotiating my salary. Thanks to Theresa's coaching program, I was able to negotiate an additional $15,000 in salary for my new job. I never realized how much I was leaving on the table before, but now I feel much more confident in asking for what I deserve."


Creative Director


Value: $125 per session

50% Off Private Sessions

Need extra support? I’m here for you!

As an added bonus of being in the Career Clarity Formula program, you’ll be able to book a 1:1 session with me at 50% off.

That’s a savings of $125 per session!

This discount is available anytime during our 12-week coaching program. Plus, you’ll get to ‘skip the line’ and have priority access to book me!

This personalized support may be just what you need to discover and secure your dream job.

Value: Unlimited

Referral Program

The Career Clarity Formula is an investment in your future and your career success, and I know that you want to see the same success for the people in your network. That's why I've created this amazing referral program that rewards you for sharing this program with others.

Share your success story with them, and as a bonus, for every person you refer who enrolls in our program, you'll receive a $100 referral bonus. There's no limit to how many people you can refer, so the sky's the limit!

Value: Priceless

Lifetime Access

That’s right, you get lifetime access to ALL the materials in the program!

This means you can revisit the program at any time to refresh your skills, gain new insights, and get ongoing support from the community.

You’ll be set for long-term success in your career!


Your dream career is waiting for you.


Are you ready?


Add Me to the Waitlist! →
Hi! I’m Theresa,

creator oF the
Career Clarity Formula

If you’re feeling unfulfilled and purposeless in your career, I can relate.

Although I had a successful career in recruiting and human resources, there was always that itch. A nagging feeling that there was something more.

That this wasn't the work I was meant to do.

But I kept telling myself that I’d invested too much time and energy into my career to make a change. It’s too late.

I told myself I can't give up my salary, benefits, and company car. I felt stuck.

My work drained me, and I was stressed from working 50+ hour weeks.

The worst was that I KNEW I had potential - but no idea what to do with it.

I spent my lunch breaks (when I was lucky enough to take one) browsing job boards.

But I didn’t have the background, education, and experience for the jobs that interested me.

So I kept browsing… not having a clue what I was looking for.

Hi! I’m Theresa,

creator oF
THE Career Clarity Formula

If you’re feeling unfulfilled and purposeless in your career, I can relate.

Although I had a successful career in recruiting and human resources, there was always that itch. A nagging feeling that there was something more.

That this wasn't the work I was meant to do.

But I kept telling myself that I’d invested too much time and energy into my career to make a change. It’s too late.

I told myself I can't give up my salary, benefits, and company car. I felt stuck.

My work drained me, and I was stressed from working 50+ hour weeks.

The worst was that I KNEW I had potential - but no idea what to do with it.

I spent my lunch breaks (when I was lucky enough to take one) browsing job boards.

But I didn’t have the background, education, and experience for the jobs that interested me.

So I kept browsing… not having a clue what I was looking for.

Then - I had a 


I got to know myself! I got clear on my strengths, transferable skills, and what makes me come ALIVE.

Discovering what makes me “ME” was the best thing I ever did. It opened opportunities that I never thought possible. And I found a career I LOVE!

Instead of dreading Mondays, they’re now my favorite day of the week.

It’s possible for you, too! That’s why I created the Career Clarity Formula. This program gives you direct access to me, so I’m with you every step of the way.

Ready for the proven step-by-step process to get the clarity you need to find a career you'll love?

Reserve My Spot! →

Then - I had a 


I got to know myself! I got clear on my strengths, transferable skills, and what makes me come ALIVE.

Discovering what makes me “ME” was the best thing I ever did. It opened opportunities that I never thought possible. And I found a career I LOVE!

Instead of dreading Mondays, they’re now my favorite day of the week.

It’s possible for you, too! That’s why I created the Career Clarity Formula. This program gives you direct access to me, so I’m with you every step of the way.

Ready for the proven step-by-step process to get the clarity you need to find a career you'll love?

As seen in:
As seen in:

This works, even if you’ve tried career coaching before.

Many of my clients have previously tried career coaching, and they 


got the results they wanted through working with me.

Maybe you’ve already figured out your strengths, values and skills.

But find yourself thinking, “ok, great… but how does this translate into a 


? What does my career actually 




That’s where Emily was before working with me:

“I felt pigeonholed in my career so I tried career coaching, and it turned out terribly. I spent a ton of money on it and I didn't get anywhere with it.

I got more from Theresa in 5 days than I did from months of work with the other coach.”

That’s because my process is entirely different from traditional career coaching.

The Creer Clarity Formula

shows how to:

  • Discover your ideal career

  • Determine what you want your professional life to look like

  • Pinpoint the job description and title that matches your ‘wish list’

  • Find and land your dream job

Priority access for waitlist members.

I Want Priority Access! →

Plus, You'll Be Backed by a

Risk-Free 7-Day Guarantee

I understand that investing in yourself and your career is a big decision, and I want you to feel completely confident in your decision to join the Career Clarity Formula.

I promise that this program will provide you with a step-by-step process, expert guidance, and unwavering support as you uncover your unique path, unlock your full potential, and confidently make a successful career change.

If, for any reason, you feel like my program is not delivering on this promise, you can request a full refund within the first seven days of the program. I want you to have the peace of mind and confidence to invest in yourself and your future without any risk.

If you don't feel totally confident that the Career Clarity Formula will help you find what you're meant to do and make a successful career change, reach out to me within 7 days of your first scheduled coaching call, show me that you've put in the work, and I'll refund your investment.

Full details here >

Add Me to the Waitlist! →

Questions people ask before joining the


Career Clarity Formula:
I Want In Early!→

It’s time to discover the rewarding and exciting career you are meant for!

If you want to go from:

  • Feel stuck, lost or miserable in your job to a career that makes you excited to go to work each day…
  • Randomly trying to find “your thing” by browsing job boards or job hopping to knowing what you’re meant to do…
  • Feeling uninspired and unmotivated by meaningless work to work that is purposeful, rewarding, and contributes to the world in a positive way…
  • Wasting time looking for jobs to having a clear, strategic plan that gets great results in just hours a week…
  • Working long hours and feeling exhausted all the time to having a better work/life balance and enjoying life more…

Then join the


and get the support, training and accountability you need to transition to a fulfilling career!

Join The Career Clarity Formula!


  • 10 Coaching Sessions over Zoom with an intimate group of female professionals led by Theresa White (Value $1750)
  • 12 weeks of unlimited expert support, accountability and Q&A inside the exclusive Career Bloom Community (Value $800)
  • Identify your untapped and unrecognized skills and strengths with 2 professional assessments (Value $200)
  • Your hard copy of the Career Clarity Workbook (Value $97)
  • 2-3 action steps per week to keep you on track and break the overwhelming job search process down into small, doable steps (Value $270)
  • 30+ step-by-step guides and worksheets that make it easy to identify and get hired in your ideal role (Value $100)
  • 30+ fill-in-the-blank templates and examples for networking and following up (Value $60) 
  • The steps to writing a job-winning LinkedIn profile & resume that’s easily customizable and beats the recruitment systems (Value $200)
  • Salary Negotiation Training so you can switch careers while maintaining (or increasing!) your income (Value $400)
  • 30+ ChatGPT prompts that make your job search as streamlined and effective as possible (Value $100)
  • Lifetime access to all materials (Value: priceless)


Total Value: $3977
Total Investment: $1499

Choose the payment plan and start for just $549!

Or pay in full and save $148!



Join The Career Clarity Formula Premium!


  • Everything in the Career Clarity Formula
  • A stand-out LinkedIn Profile designed & written FOR you (Value: $250)
    1. A unique, custom-designed banner targeted towards your ideal position
    2. A LinkedIn headline that gets recruiters’ attention
    3. An about section that sets you apart from other candidtes
    4. One round of comprehensive revisions based on your feedback
    5. Your new banner, headline, and about section will be emailed to you in Word format in week 6.
  • A job-winning resume written FOR you (Value: $900)
    1. Targeted toward your ideal position and employers
    2. Proven resume format that gets employers' attention
    3. Keyword optimized to get through Applicant Tracking Systems
    4. One round of comprehensive revisions based on your feedback
    5. Your new, personalized resume will be emailed to you in Word and PDF format in week 6.


Total Value: $5130
Total Investment: $1999

Choose the payment plan and start for just $729!

Or pay in full and save $188!