10 Barriers To Making A Successful Career Change – And The Best Strategies To Overcome Them

Mar 02, 2023

Is your work just a paycheck? Do you live for the weekend? Are you feeling unfulfilled, frustrated, and unhappy in your career? You’re certainly not alone.

Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace Report found that, along with dissatisfaction, workers are experiencing staggering rates of both disengagement and unhappiness. 60% of people reported being emotionally detached at work, and 19% being miserable.

But even though people are deeply unhappy in their careers, they often remain stuck. Why? A number of reasons can make a successful career change seemingly impossible. And if you lack the tools and strategies to overcome these barriers, finding the right career for you remains a distant dream.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Making a career change is possible, and you deserve to find a fulfilling career that aligns with who you are. Start by identifying what is holding you back, and then explore the strategies outlined below to overcome these obstacles and find a career where you’ll thrive!

1. Fear of the unknown

Making a career change can be scary, especially when you don’t know what’s on the other side. You may worry about the risks involved, the potential for failure, or the uncertainty of what your new career will be like. However, letting the fear of the unknown hold you back can prevent you from reaching your full potential.

One strategy for overcoming the fear of the unknown is to do your research. Start by learning as much as you can about your desired career. What are the job requirements? What skills and experience do you need? What is the job outlook for this field? The O*Net by the Department of Labor lets you search occupations by bright outlook, rapid growth, new and emerging, and more. It also provides you with information about the skills, education, and knowledge required across 900+ occupations.

Another strategy is to find people who do the work you’d love to do, connect with them on LinkedIn, and seek their insights. Hearing about their experiences and insights can help you gain a better understanding of the career and alleviate some of your fears. You will also build a supportive network and hear about opportunities you might not have access to otherwise. Remember that taking these small steps toward your goal can make a big difference in overcoming your fear of the unknown.

2. Financial concerns

Money is a significant factor in making a career change. The financial impact of a career change can be a source of stress and can hold you back from pursuing your dream career. It’s essential to understand your finances, create a budget, and know your salary requirements.

One strategy for overcoming financial concerns is to understand your current financial situation. Create a budget that outlines your current income, expenses, and savings. This will help you understand how much money you need to live on and how much you can allocate toward your career transition.

Another strategy is to prepare for salary negotiations. Keep track of your relevant accomplishments, practice communicating your transferable skills, and gain clarity on your target salary range. Research the following websites to get a comprehensive idea of appropriate salaries for the job title(s) you’re pursuing:

Finally, consider the long-term financial benefits of a career change. While it can involve a short-term drop in income, a fulfilling career can lead to increased earning potential and financial stability in the long run. Research the earning potential and career growth opportunities in your desired field to gain a better understanding of the potential financial benefits of a career change.

3. Lack of confidence

Making a career change can require a significant amount of confidence, particularly if it involves pursuing a new field or taking on new responsibilities. If you lack confidence in your abilities, you may feel like you are not capable of making a successful career change.

One strategy for overcoming this challenge is to focus on building your self-confidence. Start by identifying your strengths and accomplishments. Reflect on your past achievements and consider how they demonstrate your skills and abilities. Write down these accomplishments and review them regularly to remind yourself of your capabilities.

Another strategy is to seek out opportunities to build your skills and knowledge. Consider taking courses or training programs related to your desired field. This can help you build the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your new career, while also providing a sense of accomplishment and boosting your confidence.

It can also be helpful to seek out mentors or career coaches who can provide guidance and support as you navigate your career change. These individuals can offer insights into your strengths and weaknesses, provide feedback on your progress, and help you build your confidence as you take on new challenges.

Finally, remember that building confidence takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes or encounter setbacks along the way. Focus on the progress you are making, and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Over time, you will develop the confidence you need to make a successful career change.

4. Comfort zone

Staying in your current career, even if it is unfulfilling, can be tempting if it provides a sense of security and comfort. Making a career change involves stepping outside of your comfort zone, which can be challenging. However, staying in your comfort zone may prevent you from reaching your full potential.

One strategy for overcoming this challenge is to identify your values and goals. Consider what is truly important to you in your career and life, and how a career change could help you align your work with these values and goals. This can provide motivation to step out of your comfort zone and pursue a career that is more fulfilling.

Another strategy is to take small steps outside of your comfort zone. For example, you might start by attending networking events or informational interviews related to your desired career. This can help you build connections in your new field and gain a better understanding of what it would be like to work in that career.

It can also be helpful to reframe your thinking about stepping outside of your comfort zone. Instead of focusing on the potential risks or challenges, focus on the potential rewards and opportunities that come with making a career change. Remind yourself that growth and progress often come from taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Finally, consider enlisting the support of friends and family as you navigate your career change. Having a support system can help you stay motivated and on track, even when the process feels challenging. With persistence and determination, you can successfully step out of your comfort zone and into a fulfilling new career.

5. Negative self-talk

Negative self-talk can be a major obstacle to making a career change. If you regularly tell yourself that you are not good enough, that you will fail, or that you don’t deserve to be successful, it can be difficult to take the steps necessary to make a career change.

One strategy for overcoming this challenge is to practice positive self-talk. Start by identifying the negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back. Write these thoughts down, and then challenge them by asking yourself if they are really true. Often, negative thoughts are based on unfounded fears or assumptions, and challenging them can help you see them in a more realistic light.

Once you have challenged your negative thoughts, replace them with positive affirmations. These are statements that affirm your strengths, abilities, and goals. For example, you might say to yourself, “I am capable of making a successful career change,” or “I deserve to be happy and fulfilled in my work.”

Another strategy is to focus on your accomplishments and successes. When you feel yourself slipping into negative self-talk, take a moment to reflect on your past achievements. This can help you build confidence in your abilities and remind yourself that you are capable of making a successful career change.

It can also be helpful to seek out the support of others. Share your goals and aspirations with friends, family, or a career coach. Having a support system can help you stay motivated and focused, and provide encouragement when you need it.

Finally, remember that changing your self-talk takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself, and over time you can shift your mindset and develop the confidence and self-belief you need to make a successful career change.

6. Family obligations

Family obligations can be a significant barrier to making a career change, especially for women who often bear the primary responsibility for caregiving and household duties. Balancing these responsibilities with the demands of a new career can be overwhelming, and may make it difficult to find the time and energy to pursue a career change.

One strategy for overcoming this challenge is to involve your family in your career change process. Talk to your family members about your goals and aspirations, and explain why making a career change is important to you. Ask for their support in finding ways to balance your family obligations with your career aspirations.

Another strategy is to set realistic expectations for yourself and your family. Recognize that making a career change will likely require some sacrifices and adjustments, but that these changes can ultimately benefit both you and your family. Look for ways to streamline household tasks or delegate responsibilities, and consider flexible work arrangements or remote work options that can accommodate your family obligations.

It can also be helpful to seek out resources and support networks specifically designed for women who are balancing caregiving and career aspirations. These resources may include mentorship programs, networking events, or online communities where you can connect with other women facing similar challenges.

Finally, remember that making a career change is a long-term goal that may require persistence and patience. Be kind to yourself, and celebrate small victories along the way. With determination and support, you can successfully balance your family obligations and pursue a career that fulfills your potential.

7. Lack of network

Having a strong professional network can be critical to making a successful career change. However, if you are currently working in a field that you no longer want to pursue, it can be difficult to build new connections and relationships in the industry you hope to transition to.

One strategy for overcoming this challenge is to actively seek out networking opportunities. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops where you can meet professionals in your desired field. Consider joining professional associations or online communities where you can connect with others who share your interests.

Another strategy is to leverage your existing network. Even if your current network is not directly related to your desired career, they may know someone who can offer insight or advice. Reach out to former colleagues, classmates, or acquaintances and let them know that you are considering a career change. Ask for their guidance, and see if they can introduce you to others who may be able to offer support or resources.

It can also be helpful to develop your personal brand and online presence. Create a LinkedIn profile that highlights your skills, experience, and aspirations, and regularly share industry news and insights. This can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your desired field and make it easier for others to find and connect with you.

Finally, remember that building a professional network takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent, and focus on building relationships that are genuine and mutually beneficial. With dedication and perseverance, you can expand your network and find the support and resources you need to make a successful career change.

8. Perceived ageism

Ageism, or discrimination based on age, can be a real concern for older workers who are considering a career change. They may worry that their age will make them less desirable to potential employers or that they will face bias or stereotyping in the hiring process.

One strategy for overcoming this challenge is to focus on the value that you bring to the table as an experienced professional. Highlight your skills, knowledge, and accomplishments, and demonstrate how they can be applied to your desired career. Make sure that your resume and cover letter emphasize your relevant experience and achievements, and be prepared to articulate how your skills and experience make you a strong candidate for the position.

Another strategy is to stay up-to-date with industry trends and technologies. This can demonstrate to potential employers that you are adaptable and capable of learning new skills. Consider taking courses or earning certifications that are relevant to your desired field, and look for opportunities to volunteer or work on projects that can showcase your abilities.

It can also be helpful to network with professionals who are working in your desired field and who can provide insight into the hiring practices and culture of the industry. Consider attending industry events and conferences, and join professional associations or online communities where you can connect with others who share your interests.

Finally, remember that age can also be an advantage in some industries, particularly those that value experience and expertise. Be confident in the value that you bring to the table, and don’t let ageism hold you back from pursuing a career change.

9. Limited job market

The current headlines about countless high-profile layoffs and a looming recession make it seem like a bad time for a career change. You might feel like you’ve got to settle for another year (even though that thought is dreadful). Instead of focusing on the negative headlines, research the labor market to gain a better understanding of the hiring landscape:

  • The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to 3.4% in January 2023, the lowest level since May 1969 – two months before Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon!
  • The U.S. economy added a whopping 517,000 jobs in January 2023
  • You have a wealth of skills that you can transfer to positions in industries that are growing

These numbers show that U.S. hiring is still very strong and that it is an excellent time to make a career change.

But in some cases, the job market in your desired field may be limited, making it difficult to find suitable job opportunities. One strategy for overcoming this challenge is to be proactive in your job search. Rather than waiting for job openings to be posted online, consider reaching out to potential employers directly to express your interest and introduce yourself. Use your network to identify potential leads or contacts, and be prepared to make a strong case for why you would be a valuable addition to their team.

It can also be helpful to stay up-to-date with industry trends and technologies, as this can help you identify new or emerging job opportunities. Consider attending industry events and conferences, and join professional associations or online communities where you can connect with others who share your interests.

Finally, remember that a successful job search takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent, and focus on building relationships and making connections that can help you achieve your career goals. With dedication and perseverance, you can overcome a limited job market and find a fulfilling career that aligns with your skills and aspirations.

10. Lack of clarity

Finally, it’s difficult, and often even impossible, to make a career change if you’re not sure what you want to do next. Many people who are considering a career change feel stuck because they lack clarity about their goals and aspirations. They may have a general sense that they want to do something different, but they don’t know what that looks like or how to get there.

One strategy for overcoming this challenge is to take time to reflect on your strengths, interests, and values. Consider what motivates and energizes you, and think about the types of tasks and activities that you enjoy most. Then, research job descriptions and find the ones that align with what you do best.

You can also join the Career Clarity Challenge, where you will, step by step, discover what makes you come alive, learn how to connect the dots from your career, and find work that aligns with who you are. You will be guided by an experienced Career Clarity Coach and, over the course of 5 days, gain the clarity you need to step out of your underwhelming job and find a meaningful and fulfilling career that pays you for all that you’re capable of.


Making a career change is possible, and you deserve to find a career that allows you to wake up on Monday mornings happy and excited for the week ahead. Use these strategies to overcome the barriers holding you back and take the first step toward finding your dream career. The key is to stay committed to your goals and to keep moving forward, one step at a time. With patience, persistence, and clarity, you can find a fulfilling career that allows you to step into your full potential.

Are you wondering if now is the right time to take a big, brave step toward a better career and feeling happier and fulfilled? Take this free 2-minute quiz to find your answer, receive 3 personalized action steps, plus the workbook “5 Steps to Finding Your Top 10 Transferable Skills.”

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