Recruiter Insights for Career Changers – Phil Davis on sharing your story, impact, and expertise

Jan 17, 2023

Phil Davis is the Director, Talent Acquisition & Career Coach at FulPhillment® Solutions, LLC, where he helps people find FulPhillment® in their job search and careers. Today he is sharing his unique insights on what it takes to make a successful career change.

Phil, what new trends do you see happening in recruiting in 2023?

Phil: We will see more trends within the social media and digital spaces, where more and more recruiters will be utilizing social media networks, like LinkedIn, to share meaningful and impactful content around their company and personal brands.

Instead of what I like to call “reactionary job posts,” where jobs are primarily posted in hopes that job seekers will apply to those roles, we will start seeing more recruiters sharing their stories and experiences about the companies they work for and represent. This, in my opinion, brings a new light to the table and more clarity to job seekers about how those recruiters, or Recruiting Brand Ambassadors, as I like to call them, enjoy working at their organizations and what it would be like to be working at their company.

As far as recruiting processes and procedures, companies will strive to bring more light into more effective and meaningful candidate experiences, where the job seekers are truly treated as their customers. Recruiters work for the company in filling positions, yes, but recruiters are often the very first person a candidate interacts with, so it is paramount that candidate experience initiatives are always improving.

Theresa: Absolutely, Phil. The candidate’s experience is critical to a business’s reputation and bottom line. According to the 2022 Talent Board Business Impact of Candidate Experience Executive Brief, candidates who had a great experience are more willing to apply again, refer others, make purchases if it’s a consumer-based company, and be a brand advocate in the future, even if they didn’t get hired. They conclude, “What’s important to keep in mind is that the sheer number of candidates who employers reject during the recruiting process can quickly impact the business and the brand (…) in both positive and negative ways.”

What tips do you have for making a successful career change?

Phil: On a high level, the most important tips I have for those who are looking to make a career change is to really tune into your strengths, what excites you about the work that you do, and showcase your accomplishments and achievements clearly by sharing stories of value and impactful results.

These can be shared on a resume/CV, cover letter, social media channels like LinkedIn, and a website or career portfolio. Remember that job opportunities that are listed by companies are primarily a vacancy that a company needs talent to help solve a particular problem and challenge, so make it clear that YOU are their solution, especially in job interviews.

What makes a candidate who is changing careers stand out positively to you?

Phil: As a recruiter, I look for the impact and results a candidate has achieved in their career and how those elements will help my company. If I can understand and clearly see alignment between what the candidate brings to the table and what the organization needs, I will share their credentials with the hiring manager and the interviewing team members who are part of the selection process for that particular role. What helps recruiters see that alignment are clear stories and meaningful information that showcases that transferable skills are evident.

Theresa: Yes, as a candidate, you want to share specific accomplishment stories and walk the interviewer through the steps you took to achieve a desired result. You want the interviewer to be able to picture you doing this and think, “that’s exactly what I want them to do for my company.” 

What resume tips do you have for someone wanting to make a career change?

Phil: As I mentioned earlier, be very clear about sharing the impact, value, and results you have provided the companies you worked for. Remember, your resume is a snapshot of your career, not a novel or a storybook. Keep things concise but clear and direct. YOU are the subject matter expert in your craft, so share your value!

Can you share one interview question you often ask and what you’re looking for in an answer?

Phil: One of my all-time favorite questions to ask job seekers is:

“What excites you about this particular role with us?”

I want to get the sense that a candidate believes they are the solution for the role I am working on and why I should consider them further along in the selection process. Share brief and meaningful examples about similar and previous work that you enjoyed that will excite you in this role.

I also want to understand where they see themselves in the company for the long haul and what interests them about the organization. If the company has a mission statement or employee core values, I want to know how their values align with the company’s and vice versa.

Recruiters interview a ton of candidates daily and weekly. Hence, it’s important that you research the role and the company before you interview with us, the hiring manager, and the interviewers.

Most importantly, be yourself. Don’t try to be somebody you are not; go into interviews as your true, authentic self, and let us know your story, impact, and expertise!

Theresa: This is my favorite quote of the day “be yourself. (…) go into interviews as your true, authentic self, and let us know your story, impact, and expertise!” To show your best, authentic self to prospective employers, practice and prepare for the interview, don’t pretend to be perfect, think about why this opportunity sparks joy, and let your genuine excitement shine through.

Thank you so much, Phil, for sharing these actionable insights with us and helping career changers successfully make the transition in 2023! If you are looking for FulPhillment® in your job search, check out Phil’s brand-new Intro Job Seeking Masterclass.

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